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25 NOVEMBER 2005


Pengiktirafan di bawah Representative List of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity





Pada zaman awalnya, Mak Yong tergolong sebagai tradisi istana. Menjelang tahun 1920an, bentuk kesenian ini turut dipelajari dan dipersembahkan oleh rakyat di luar istana sebagai tradisi desa atau tradisi rakyat. Mak Yong merupakan kesenian tradisional Melayu berbentuk dramatari yang menggabungkan elemen-elemen kesenian seperti lakonan, tarian, muzik dan nyanyian. Kesenian ini juga merupakan suatu genre hiburan yang sarat dengan kehalusan dan kelembutan dalam tarian serta kemerduan nyanyian oleh barisan inang jong dondang, lakonan dengan dialog oleh watak Mak Yong yang diungkapkan secara spontan oleh para pelakonnya yang terdiri daripada Mak Yong, Pak Yong Tua, Pak Yong Muda, Peran Tua, Peran Muda, barisan Inang dan Tok Wak. Mak Yong kaya dengan unsur-unsur simbolik pada gerak tari, dialog, gerak isyarat, tarian, prop, latar hias, kostum dan hiasan diri. Terdapat antara sepuluh (10) hingga lima belas (15) cerita pokok Mak Yong. Ia menceritakan tentang watak-watak luar biasa yang mempunyai kesaktian dan keperwiraan yang tiada tolok bandingnya. Alamnya antara nyata dan maya, boleh melangkahi tujuh petala langit, masuk ke perut bumi atau berkelana ke dasar laut. Watak dan perwatakan melebihi sifat semula jadi manusia kerana tujuan asalnya adalah untuk memberikan contoh dan teladan sambil menghibur. Kesenian ini memungkinkan kepelbagaian gaya pementasan dan mempunyai kemungkinan yang sangat luas mencakupi aspek bunyi, gerak dan warna. Berdasarkan pada keunikan dan ciri yang dimiliki oleh Mak Yong inilah maka UNESCO telah menobatkan genre ini sebagai Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity pada 25 November 2005 dan seterusnya sebagai Representative List of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity pada tahun 2008.










25 NOVEMBER 2005


Inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity


In the beginning Mak Yong was considered a palace tradition. From the 1920s, this art form was also acquired and performed by people outside the palace as a rural and folk tradition. Mak Yong is traditional Malay artistry in the form of a dancedrama which combines artistic elements such as acting, dancing, music and singing. Mak Yong is a genre of entertainment which is replete with refined and gentle dance movements and melodious singing by performers (inang jong dondang), acting with dialog by the Mak Yong (female lead) which is spontaneously expressed by various performers which include characters such as the Mak Yong (the female lead), Pak Yong Tua (the King), Pak Yong Muda (the prince), Peran Tua (older male attendant), Peran Muda (younger male attendant), Inang (dancers) and Tok Wak (the elder or the Old Man). Mak Yong is rich in symbolic elements as expressed in the dance movements, dialogue, movement (gerak isyarat), dances, props, decorations, costumes and personal adornments. There are between ten (10) to fifteen (15) main stories in Mak Yong. These are narrations about extraordinary characters who possess incomparable strength and heroism. Moving between the real and imagined, it traverses the seven layers of the sky, penetrates the core of the earth or journeys to the bottom of the sea. Characters and characteristics exceed the natural traits of human beings because its basic intention is to provide examples and illustrations while entertaining. This art form enables a variety of presentation techniques and has the potential for a wide scope encompassing aspects of sound, movement and colours. Based on its uniqueness and the characteristics it possesses, on the 25th November 2005, UNESCO inscribed this genre as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity and Mak Yong then was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2008.

Aras Mezanin, 15-20,
Menara Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB),
No. 201-A, Jalan Tun Razak,
50400 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

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Pilihan Bahasa :
Melayu | English

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